Biggest Take Aways From One Shot Battle League: It’s Levels

Ave Continues his streak

Ave has been enjoying a stellar 2024 thus far. He’s been showcasing his prowess & consistency as a top tier. When the anticipated Tay Roc vs. J2 match was unexpectedly called off, Ave stepped up with just ten days to prepare, taking on the challenge of headlining a one-round battle to give the event some excitement. Despite the short notice, Ave delivered a high-level performance that impressed. This marked his second consecutive headliner, and with this victory, he continues his streak, having a competitive bout with Marv Won and clear wins against Don Marino, Rosenberg Raw, Big T, and now J2, solidifying him as one of the top contenders thus far in the scene this year with a flawless record. 

This may be J2's best year so far.

In my opinion, you can say that thus far, J2 is experiencing the best year of his career in 2024. He’s been making a significant impact each time he steps on stage or has shown a higher level of his skill set in writing and performing. From the beginning of the year, he has consistently delivered standout performances, starting with an app main event against JC that set the tone for his rise. His prowess was further demonstrated on QOTR’s recent card, where he was one of the top performers and showcased his improvement as an angler, and his solid showing against a writer, Xcel, only added to his growing reputation. With each battle, J2 has shown consistency and his ability to hone his craft, and it’s putting him on a trajectory to break through to newer heights. Ever since his battle against Big Kannon at the end of 2023, he’s taken off.

Adding a one-round battle against Ave to his run, J2 demonstrates his growth and adaptability. Although I don’t have him winning this battle, his ability to deliver a fire performance against one of the best punchers in the game on such short notice is a testament to his improvement. J2’s performance made it clear that he belongs on the stage against higher competition. Spoiler alert: with another major battle on the horizon, J2 is poised to have faced his 3rd top-tier name this year, showcasing his ability to compete at a higher level. As the year progresses, keep an eye open for J2’s name to be in discussions about having a Top 20 year at the end of 2024.

A Stellar Performance From KD

KD delivered a commanding one-round performance against 40 Barrs, showcasing a well-rounded skill set highlighting his versatility as a battle rapper. He skillfully balanced humor, aggression, and scheming, even incorporating effective angling for a brief period. KD’s control over the room was evident through his masterful tempo and delivery, captivating the audience from start to finish. Although 40 BAARS brought strong material and content, her performance faltered due to a lack of cleanliness. 40’s pen is never in question, it’s just the performance and staying clean that you are concerned with. Despite her not being clean, the outcome would have remained unchanged, as KD was in top form throughout the battle, demonstrating his brilliance and skillset and earning a clear victory. I have seen some people on the timeline say the content was evenly matched, but due to cleanliness, it resulted in a default win for KD. And I think that’s utterly dismissive of the execution of his performance, KD was on one from start to finish and deserves full credit. 

Lady Caution & Aeon Sets The Bar For Battle Of The Night

Lady Caution and Aeon delivered the best battle of the night, captivating the audience with a fierce back-and-forth performance. Both women brought unparalleled aggression and intensity, keeping the room fully engaged throughout all six rounds—salute to the ladies. Aeon’s ferocity was palpable, driving her performance with relentless energy. In contrast, while Lady Caution’s aggression was slightly a few tones lower, she matched Aeon with her hard-hitting haymakers so that she could get to her punchlines at a faster rate, and she connected with the crowd instantly after Aeon put the pressure on. Interestingly, you can notice Caution demonstrating a calm demeanor that allowed her to regain any momentum swings, and it was the confidence in her material is what probably kept her so poised. This exchange resulted in a highly entertaining and competitive battle. 

The post-battle interview left us with a moment and some camaraderie, along with a funny moment by Aeon. Although I had Lady Caution winning, both can proudly claim they were part of the night’s standout highlight. Caution continues to showcase what she does best. And for Aeon, this marks her second standout performance at these live-streamed events. You can point back to her battle in the cage with Tae Doe, where she also walks away with a stand-out performance & battle, proving she thrives under the pressure of live-streamed events and isn’t afraid when the lights are bright.

Chef Trez Is The Synonym of Consistency.

Chef Trez has maintained a consistent high level of performance, regardless of his opponent, every time he steps on stage. His recent three-round battle against Coach Corleone was no exception, showcasing his superior skill and versatility. Trez’s performance demonstrated clear levels, with no pun intended on the card, as he opted to forgo his signature rebuttals to emphasize the strength of his writens. From the first round to the last, he was in complete control of the battle, seamlessly delivering his material with confidence and precision. Despite a valiant effort from Coach Corleone, Trez’s dominance was evident, reaffirming his status as a top-tier battler who consistently excels under any circumstances.

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